
Terms & Conditions

We aim to keep things simple. Terms & Conditions of using this site are simple: you are free to use it for information, but everything here is copyright; please don't copy anything without asking.

Privacy Policy

We don't sell data to anyone else, and we don't allow anyone else to look at our data.

If you'd like to see all the data we have collected and stored about you during this website visit, here it is: " ". That's right, nothing.

Any data we collect as part of our business relationship with you, should you be kind enough as to use our product, will be kept strictly as required by GDPR. We will not sell, or otherwise share, any of your data with anyone else without your permission.

Cookie Policy

We have a very particular set of skills, skills we have acquired over a very long career. But those skills will not be used to track your movements on the internet, or anywhere else.

The only cookies used on this site are exempt technical cookies (you couldn't visit the site without them). We don't use tracking cookies. We don't use any third party cookies. We don't allow anyone else to place cookies.